
Deborah Ward was raised in a rural area in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. She now resides in Portsmouth, Virginia. She is the Widow of Waverly Ward formerly of Windsor, Virginia. Deborah has two daughters Tabitha White & Marcia Cross and four grandchildren Angelo, Andra, Justin & Sky.
The Holy Spirit inspired Deborah to write this book because so many people (believers and unbelievers) today credit "God" with the devil's work. We must realize as John 10:10 says, "The thief cometh only in order that he may steal and may kill and may destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may have life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows."
Our arch enemy, the devil or satan, has come that we would never inherit the Kingdom of God, to steal our faith in God, to kill our testimony for Christ, and to take us into eternal damnation. Jesus came that He would give us the life of Christ, that life which is lived on a much higher plain, the abundant life, the life that is rich and to the full, eternal life.
Deborah A. Ward
Attended Westside High School in Isle of Wight County, Virginia; and later graduated from Smithfield High School (1971) in Smithfield, Virginia. She attended various higher educational learning institutions, namely Tidewater Community College and Paul D. Camp, where she completed a study in the Clerical field and one year in the Early Childhood Development Field. Deborah also worked in the Medical field as a Secretary at Bayberry Psychiatric Hospital for three (3) years, a Medical Transcriptionist, and School of Nursing Secretary at the Louise Obici Memorial Hospital for a total of five (5) years.
Deborah completed and received her Diploma in Cosmetology from the Virginia School of Hair Design. She is a self-employed independent contractor (Cosmetologist); and was Owner of Lady D’s Hairstyling Salon in Smithfield, Virginia, for 17 years.
For over 25 years, Deborah served in the music ministry as choir member, and she taught Sunday School for different local churches. Her ministerial training included:
Training at the International Covenant Ministries in 2002, a Ministerial Association under the vision and direction of its President, Dr. Creflo Dollar.
Ministry-related training with the International School of Ministry-Trimester 1 at Cornerstone Church in 2004.
Training Course in Christian Counseling and Pastoral Care at Calvary leadership Institute in 2009 under the leadership of Pastor Bobby Hill.
In 2018 she obtained her Bachelors Degree from the North Caroline College of Theology.
Currently, Deborah is a member of Dunamis Christian Center under the leadership of Pastor James T. Elam where she is a Youth & Children's Ministry Teacher. She resides in Portsmouth, Virginia with her family.

My Name Is Deborah & I'm Here to Help You!