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Writer's pictureDeborah Ward

CHOICES: "Life or Death"

Updated: Jan 10

After Adam and Eve sinned, by eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, moral and spiritual death immediately came upon the human race. Physical death came later. Moral death meant the death of God's life in them, which caused their nature to become sinful. Spiritual death meant their former relationship with God was destroyed.

Since that day every human born into the entire world is born with a sinful nature or the nature of Satan. This nature involves the desire to go our own selfish way without concern for God or others. This nature was passed down to the entire human race. After 4000 years Jesus came, died, was buried, and resurrected so that He could restore mankind back to God. Now that we have been restored by the blood of Jesus, we have a choice to make. Every human being has to make a choice. Will you continue to live in sin (the way you were born) or will you live the "born-again," abundant life of Christ?

Why do you suppose I asked the question, "Will you continue in sin, or will you live the born-again abundant life?" I was in that place at one time. I gave my life to Christ at the age of 12 but did I change (or live for Christ)? No, I did not. I was not about to give up all the fun and excitement in life that I thought I was having. So, I continued in sin, doing just what I wanted to do. This is what I said, "Jesus is just a prophet." I had never studied the Bible, so I did not know what the Word of God was all about. I thought it was boring and I was not interested in giving up my good times to study the Bible. Are you kidding?

As I matured, I began to experience things that I could not handle, my life began to go in a downward spiral. I was having heartaches, headaches, mishaps and all other kind of aches so I started thinking. What can I do Lord? I thought life was all fun and excitement. Never had I thought that I had a purpose for being here and that I was not in control of my life. But as I aged physically, I began to see that life was not just a party. There was also a spiritual side that I had to become familiar with.

The change did not take place overnight, but it was a period of 27 long years before I begin to study the Bible for myself. First it was like a renewal of my spirit, and I began to seek God. All kind of lights began to come on, I could see things that I had never seen before. I had read certain things in the Bible, even taught Sunday school, but never really studied the Bible. The Bible became one of my highest priorities. I have been studying it ever since. It gives me so much pleasure. Now I cannot understand how I maintained without the Word of God. It is amazing how a personal relationship with God can change your whole outlook on life. It is such excitement!!! Try it, you will love it. Amen! Have you made a choice?

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Deuteronomy 30:19-20 Niv).

Here Moses is challenging Israel to choose life, to obey God and continue to experience His blessings. God will not force His will on anyone. He leaves the choice to us, Chapter 6, of the book, "Facing Our Fears, Releasing Our Faith," by Deborah Ward.

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